River of Life Church is identified by five Core Values. These values explain the reasons why we do ministry. As you read our list of Core Values, please be advised that River of Life Church only lists those values that are actually practiced by our church. Along with the values that are currently practiced are several “aspirational” values that are not mentioned. While aspirational values are what we strive for, we believe a Core Value is that which is currently practiced. Therefore, at River of Life Church, we value:

  • Bible Based Teaching (2 Tim 4:1-2)
  • Compassionate Support for the Poor (Job 30:24-25)
  • Authentic Multi-Cultural relationships (Gal 3:26-29)
  • Spiritual & Educational Development of Children (Dt. 11:18-19)
  • Last but not least…Prayer (Ephesians 6:18)